look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true. his friend didn't pay him his money back. he asked for money from his friend in the shop. he didn't trust him.
الحل الصحيح في موقع «الافق» لكل الطلاب الباحثين عن إجابة السؤال: look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true. his friend didn't pay him his money back. he asked for money from his friend in the shop. he didn't trust him. بيت العلم، للحصول على الدرجة الكاملة وإظهارالنتيجة.
يعتبر هذا السؤال أحد الأسئلة المهمة الذي يتم تكرارها في الواجبات المنزلية والاختبارات، وتزداد معدلات البحث عن الإجابة الصحيحة.
look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true. his friend didn't pay him his money back. he asked for money from his friend in the shop. he didn't trust him.:
ويسعدنا في موقع الأفـق أن نوفر لكم حلولاً وإجابات صحيحة ومعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم لجميع الأسئلة المدرسية والواجبات المنزلية والاختبارات من قبل فريق مختص من المعلمين لجميع المواد الدراسية وكافة المراحل التعليمية، ونعرضها لكم بأسلوب سهل ومختصر. بما في ذلك جواب السؤال التالي:
look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true. his friend didn't pay him his money back. he asked for money from his friend in the shop. he didn't trust him.
والإجابة الصحيحة هي:
He asked for money from his friend in the shop.
هذه هي الإجابة الصحيحة والمعتمدة.