The word “grow up” means become smart become young become an adult؟
حل السؤال The word “grow up” means become smart become young become an adult بيت العلم، بالخطوات الصحيحة لكل الطلاب الباحثين عن الإجابة الصحيحة والمعتمدة للحصول على الدرجة الكاملة.
The word “grow up” means become smart become young become an adult؟
الـجـواب :
become an adult.
The word “grow up” means become smart become young become an adult / الشرح
The word "grow up" means to become an adult. It refers to the process of maturing and developing physically, emotionally, and cognitively from childhood to adulthood. When someone says "grow up," they are usually referring to the transition from being a child to becoming a responsible and independent adult. This includes taking on more responsibilities, making important life decisions, and adapting to the expectations and challenges of adult life.