Check the sentences that stand for being cool: not worrying about what others think of you. wearing the latest fashion in clothes. being friendly and sociable. not saying what you think. not studying and not doing well in school
إذا كنت تبحث عن الإجابة الصحيحة لسؤالك: "Check the sentences that stand for being cool: not worrying about what others think of you. wearing the latest fashion in clothes. being friendly and sociable. not saying what you think. not studying and not doing well in school"، فنحن هنا لمساعدتك، ويسرنا أن نقدم لك الحل النموذجي الذي يضمن حصولك على الدرجة الكاملة للسؤال.
Check the sentences that stand for being cool: not worrying about what others think of you. wearing the latest fashion in clothes. being friendly and sociable. not saying what you think. not studying and not doing well in school.
يعمل فريق المعلمين في موقع الافـق بجد لتوفير إجابات دقيقة ومعتمدة لجميع أسئلة المناهج الدراسية والواجبات المنزلية والإختبارات. نحن نلتزم بتقديم حلول متوافقة مع المناهج التعليمية الحديثة ومعايير وزارة التعليم.
Check the sentences that stand for being cool: not worrying about what others think of you. wearing the latest fashion in clothes. being friendly and sociable. not saying what you think. not studying and not doing well in school
الإجابة النموذجية هي:
1) not worrying about what others think of you
3) being friendly and sociable.